Survey will help to launch business trainings for craftsmen

Northern Crafts ID launched a questionnaire for craftsmen who work in the Republic of Karelia (Russia), Northern Karelia and Olulu Region (Finland). This feedback from our main target group will help the project team to identify obstacles and possibilities for the development of handicrafts businesses in the region and establish a series of business trainings for craftsmen. This questionnaire is part of a larger marketing research the team is undertaking to contribute to the theoretical analysis and data collection regarding the current state of the entrepreneurship in the field of handicrafts.

Project partners plan to finish the data collection phase by Mid-April and conclude analysis by the end of May, 2020. Business training will be offered for the interested craftsmen free of charge in Joensuu, Oulu and Petrozavodsk, starting in the fall 2020 and continuing in the spring 2021.

The questionnaire is available in Russian and in Finnish.

Handicrafts have great potential for business development. By filling out this questionnaire craftsmen can contribute to the economic growth and education. 

Picture from the archive of Association "ECHO"

About the project

The project «Identity Development of Northern Crafts: Northern Crafts ID» supported by ENI CBC Karelia programme will be implemented from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2022. Project partners are Association of Ethnocultural Centres and Heritage Organizations ECHO (lead partner), University of Eastern Finland, Finland - Russia - society, tourist company Karelika and Center for Support of Indigenous Peoples and Civic Diplomacy «Young Karelia».