#карелы, #вепсы, #финны, #коренные народы, #общественная дипломатия, #karelians, #vepsians, #finns, #indigenous peoples, #civic diplomacy

Young Karelia will contribute to the capacity building of the indigenous movement in Karelia

Today we received good news, that the project proposal "Finno-Ugric Peoples of Karelia: Development of Civic Diplomacy and Strengthening of Internal Capacity" of the Center "Young Karelia" has won a grant of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia in the nomination "Finno-Ugric Cooperation".

The project seeks to build capacity and expertise of NGOs and civil movements of indigenous Finno-Ugric peoples of the Republic of Karelia for them to be able to more efficiently participate in relevant regional, interregional and international processes. More information about the content can be found on the project's page.